Sunday 24 May 2015

Fashion Facts That'll Blow your Mind

Hey hey folks. So how's been the week for y'all? As for us here at StyleArchivezw, we olwaiz busy tryna bring it to u guys the way you want it.
So this past week as I was doing some reading (as olwaiz), I came up with some of the most interesting fashion facts that, to be honest intrigued me. Who knew that the term 'Retro' refers to clothing items only made to replicate a vintage pattern or style of a different period? Yes I knoe, m now in the light as well. So let's get enlightened abt  the history of our so beloved fashion.

# The four major international fashion shows take place in the following order, first in New York then London then Milan and lastly Paris. These cities hold a show twice in a year that is in February and in September. If you call yoself a fashion lover, you should be knowing this already.

# False eye lashes were first invented in a film called INTOLERANCE in 1916.They were made using human hair woven thru fine gauze. Amazing right!!!

# Coco Chanel (goddess of Fashion) was the first to launch which is now the modern era of perfume in 1921 with her exotic floral blend, Chanel No. 5

# The first issue of Vogue, aka fashion Bible we first published on 17 December 1892 in the USA. I honestly believe this date shud be made a holiday *winks

# A "Grabalogist"  is a person who loves collecting ties. Mmmmmhm

# Christian Louboutin shoes were once available with baby blue soles to enable something blue for bride-to-be but was very short lived due to trademark issues. I'm still failing to picture Loubies with blue soles!

# Alexander McQueen (British designer) committed suicide on Feb 11,2010 just days after his mother's death. It's really been 5yrs!

# One bail of cotton weighing under 500pounds can make 215 pairs of jeans. Someone pliz get me one!

# Men didn't wear underwear until the 17th century. Can only wonder how they survived

So that was all I could share with you fashion folks. I'm glad I could share my enlightenment

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